Conventional Acupuncture for Cardiac Arrhythmia: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials
Objective:To exam the effect and safety of conventional acupuncture (CA) on cardiac arrhythmia.Methods:Nine medical data......
Effects of Doxycycline on Cx43 Distribution and Cardiac Arrhythmia Susceptibility of Rats after Myoc
This study aimed to observe the effects of doxycycline (DOX) on gap junction remodeling after MI and the susceptibility ......
50% of mortalities attributable to cardiac causes are accounted for by cardiac arrhythmias occurring either independentl......
现代心音图技术( ACG)是近年来研究的一项全新技术。 ACG在标准胸前导联 V3、V4位置放置双重感应器,通过小波信号处理技术对声学信息......